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Even then in a sentence

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Sentence count:125Posted:2017-03-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: seventheven thougheleventh hourin the event ofat the eleventh houreven wheneventevents
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91. Even then single adverse note killed the application.
92. Even then, the most elevated Pushtun elder dares not condescend to another man of his tribe.
93. Even then, a beam can't stand perfectly still, as quantum uncertainty requires it to hold an irretrievable half-quantum of energy and dance with unquenchable "zero-point motion."
94. Even then, with the Velcro firmly fastened, there's still a little vestigial dangling fabric like the long pinky on an ill-fitting glove.
95. I had great respect for Spengler in my youth, but even then I couldn't accept his conclusions, and (with respect and admiration) I mentally told him to get lost.
96. Only a handful of philosophers have made significant (yet, even then, for the most part either minor or deeply flawed) contributions to sexology.
97. Even then Mr Wen ate simply and wore an army greatcoat, which Mr Wu noticed years later on television he was still wearing.
98. He failed in being admitted to a university. Even then he was not downhearted.
99. And even then, only those who so believe will partake in that probability!
100. But even then, to the naked eye Mars appeared as nothing more than an extremely bright yellowish-orange star, not at all like the full moon.
101. Even then she was certain the quarry stirred with life.
102. Even then, there's usually still time to take some constructive action.
103. That's basically true for short - lived signals(, although the directionality even then is not too great.
104. Even then, the law is seen as malleable rather than absolute.
105. Outside it was Luca Brasi whose reputation even then fearsome.
106. She was at her prettiest in her late teens, but even then she always had somebody who was prettier.
107. However, this quarter, which had a superannuated rather than an antique air, was tending even then to transformation.
108. And even then, it unified a wide range of South Africans who, now that the tournament has ended, don't want to give up the nationalist bonhomie for the income inequality that stratified them before.
109. You can get a drink at plenty of places until 5 a.m. and even then there are a few after-hours places to go to.
110. And even then, it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ, RUN!
111. Outside it was Luca Brasi whose reputation even then was fearsome.
112. Mohammed only started working with al-Qaida in 1996 and even then kept his distance from Bin Laden.
113. But even then, the water in the pipes tends to be radioactively contaminated because the valves that separate it from the reactor are not entirely tight.
114. And even then, they were an add-on pack distributed separately.
115. Even then, the concept of amateurism, for which there were no rules in ancient times,(sentence dictionary) and the zeal for the competitive spirit were often sacrificed for the more selfish materialistic considerations.
116. In theory, a cut on the hand might hake a difference, but even then it isn't a measurable risk.
117. Only in emerging countries can these species be caught in coastal waters, and even then it must be only for local consumption.
118. I always cover my licence with sticky-backed plastic, but even then it can turn mouldy and unreadable.
119. Some officers told me that they only take action in response to provocation, and even then, only in self-defense.
120. But even then they sometimes require a more hands-on approach.
More similar words: seventheven thougheleventh hourin the event ofat the eleventh houreven wheneventeventsseventypreventeventualeventuallyin any eventpreventionpreventivein the name ofevensevenuneveneven noweven ifeven soelevenevery now and thenrevenueeveningin the nick of timegood eveningburn the candle at both endsrevenue officer
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